Why Care?

Why Should You Care and Invest in Workplace Mental Health?

There are numerous reasons:

Your Company Depends on People

Regardless of the industry you’re in, your staff are essential to the success and sustainability of your organization. Taking steps to protect such a fundamental asset is a crucial business strategy.

The Problem is Bigger Than You Think

Consider these statistics:

  • In any given week, approximately 500,000 Canadian workers will miss work due to mental health issues.
  • Mental health problems, such as anxiety and depression, account for 30% of short-term and long-term disability claims, and a whopping 70% of disability costs.
  • Canadian employers, like you, lose more than 6 billion dollars annually in decreased productivity, absenteeism, and turnover due to mental health problems.

Your Business May Be Part of the Problem

Factors at work can contribute to the development of mental health issues, so you have a responsibility to implement prevention efforts. Read more on the Contributing Factors page.

Financial Benefit

Many arguments can be made for investing in mental health to protect or improve the profitability of your company. Read more on the Business Case page.

Legal Protection

You have a legal responsibility to provide a psychologically safe workplace, and can be held liable for issues like harassment of your staff.  Read more on the Legal Case page.

Compassionate Reasons

No one wants to see someone, especially someone they know, suffer needlessly. Investing in workplace mental health can improve and sometimes save lives – even your own.

Contributing Source: Mental Health Commission of Canada
Guarding Minds @ Work


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